Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks (FOIRP) is the charity that supports the protection and upkeep of the riverside areas beside the River Wharfe in Ilkley. The group was founded in 2018 and since then has delivered a number of significant improvements to the parks, including fundrasing for a new playground, the creation of a number of new flowerbeds in the Riverside Gardens, the planting of a wildflower area and a delivering a major increase in the level of maintenance that takes place, such as path edging, bench refurbishment, pressure washing and litter picking. We are lucky to be supported by a fantastic team of volunteers, however we also rely on members and donors who make a financial contribution towards improving the Riverside Parks.
Membership payments are vital as they ensure we can afford to purchase new equipment for our volunteers to use, allow us to cover critical overheads like insurance and also contribute to our ongoing projects. We have a number of exciting projects underway in 2025 that your membership will support. This includes the improvement of the seating area near the Riverside Gardens car park with new planters, a new partnership with local primary schools to increase biodiversity, the continued refurbishment of benches and additional planting to the flowerbeds at the eastern end of the Riverside Gardens near New Brook Street.
FOIRP is now a Registered Charity (No. 1189048). We are registered under "Association" Model Rules, which means we will have a membership which can vote on key issues and elect the organisation's Committee. You can see a copy of our Rules by clicking on this link.
If you would like to become a Member of Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks and support the ongoing work that we do you can do so by following the link to our dedicated membership portal:.
2024/25 Membership Fees are as follows:
Individual Membership £15.00
Family Membership £20.00
Corporate Membership £50.00
Enter your details below to receive the the Friends of Ilkley Riverside Parks Newsletter. It will help you to keep up-to-date on all the exciting developments, volunteering opportunities and more.
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